Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Back to the Grind

Well, its official...the fall semester is back in full swing! The new students arrived last Saturday and the returning students arrived yesterday, Monday. Things have been pretty busy with fulfilling RA responsibilities and going to soccer pre-season practice. But, God is good and I know this will be a great year. God will bless and work this year I know. This year, I am serving as the Head RA in the men's dorm. Part of that means I have a kitchen where I can cook my own meals. One thing I realized is...I don't know how to cook! I went grocery shopping Sunday night after church and felt like a lost little boy in the grocery store. But, it will be a good learning experience and I'll be cooking in no time I'm sure! Look out Emeril!

When I was at the grocery store, I had an awesome experience I wanted to share on my blog, which is mainly about Guatemala. Compared to my home state of North Carolina, there aren't many Hispanic people here in West Virginia. So when I do see a Latino, I usually talk to them and find out where they are from, etc. As I was walking into the grocery store, so was a Hispanic man. I struck up conversation with him and soon found out he had moved from NC and was originally from....wait for it...GUATEMALA!! How exciting! He is from Quiché, Guatemala. I was so excited that the first person I talked to in Spanish happened to be a Chapin! I got Peluche's number and hopefully we will be able to meet up again soon. Please pray for other friends of mine from Jalapa: Edgar, Mayra, Salvador and Eusebio from Huehuetenango. I have wonderful opportunities in serving here in Beckley to spend time with these friends and share the Gospel with them. Pray for open doors.

Until next time, Jay

Monday, 16 August 2010

Passion for Petén

You may ask, "Have you rested, relaxed, and caught up on sleep since returning from Guatemala?" My answer would be a "partial yes." I have enjoyed some time to relax but for the most part, I've stayed pretty busy. But, its been a "good busy." The first weekend I was back at my home church, Vernon Forest Baptist, I had the opportunity to share my experience in Guatemala and my burden for the Petén to my home church family. What an awesome opportunity! I can already tell it was good experience for upcoming deputation. One thing I really learned is to NOT HAVE TOO MANY PICTURES! That Sunday evening at Vernon Forest, I had "un monton" (a bunch) of pictures! I just had so much to share and tell about that it was hard to narrow it all down. Most of all, I just learned to "be myself" and be sincere in my presentation.

Well, beginning the following Monday (last Mon.), I set off with my parents to pick up my nephew, Haddon, and spend a week in Ohio. We went to a Cincinnati Reds game, The Creation Museum, and the Cincinnati Zoo. It was a great time be back in my home state and spend some time with my family. At the end of the week we traveled to Amish country Ohio, Monroe County, to be part of my cousin's ordination service at the Calais Baptist Church. This church was the first church my dad pastored and now my cousin, Brandon Ward, has assumed the pastoral role at this church. This weekend was also Homecoming weekend at the church, so it was nice to fellowship with our church family at Calais. Pastor Ward had asked me to share about my trip in the Sunday school hour. What a wonderful opportunity to again present my burden for the Petén! My father preached in the Morning Worship service and was moderator in the ordination ceremonies. Also my brother-in-law, Todd Lockyer, had the opportunity to give a challenge in the ordination service. Thank the Lord for such great ministry opportunities for all of us!

What does all this have to do with the title, "Passion for Petén?" Well, I'll tell you. Since I've returned, its been hard to get Guatemala, specifically Petén off my mind. It seems that SO many things remind me of it. I even saw an animal at the Zoo, el Pizote, that I saw IN THE WILD in the Petén! It was behind glass at the zoo and I was close enough to touch it in Guatemala! So many other things make me think of a memory of Guatemala or part of the life there. But more importantly, every opportunity I have to share about my trip, it only deepens my burden for the Petén. Speaking of the UNREACHED....the NEEDS...the PEOPLE...only makes me want to return as soon as I can. Please continue to pray that God will guide and direct and that He will prepare me even more for future ministry in the Petén. Thank you so much for all your prayer and support! Until next time,


Saturday, 7 August 2010

New URL Address for Blog

I have changed the address for my blog from jaybrowninternship.blogspot.com (my internship is over) to:


Thursday, 5 August 2010

Guate On My Mind

Well, I arrived back in North Carolina on Monday evening. Since then, I've been enjoying time spent with family and catching up on rest and relaxation. The inevitable question (which I've been asked already) is "Do you miss Guatemala?"...the answer is YES, I do!! I also have to say that it was somewhat hard to acclimate to being back in the states. One of the other interns, Rebecca, and I had a laugh about how many times we said "Buenas tardes" or "gracias" to people when we came back. It is a big shift and change after spending so much time there in Guate. Nonetheless, I am glad to be home and I'm looking forward to the remainder of the summer and the upcoming semester at school.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be in Guatemala this summer. Its so exciting to think that it is the place where I will spend the rest of my life (Lord willing)! I'm already looking forward to the next opportunity I will have to return there. Please continue to pray for God's direction and guidance in the time in between.

Jimmy encouraged me to take a picture of this sign. I think he said, "That is the perfect missionary sign!" We could say confidently that we live in a lost world. In the Petén, the majority of the people have never heard the Gospel. It is truly a "lost world." As I plan to go to Petén, please pray that God will continue to do a work in that area. Pray for Jim and Shelley and for their ministry there.

Please pray specifically for Jose, a Kekchi Pastor and friend of Jim and Shelley. He is going through some very difficult things right now. Please go to Jim and Shelley's blog and read about our dear brother in Christ (link is on the left side of page) and most of all, pray!