Friday 13 January 2012

New Beginnings

A new year has begun! Well, it did 13 days ago...i'm just a little behind I guess. The first of this year, I began serving full-time as a missionary intern here at Victory Baptist Church here in Jacksonville, FL. The Lord has already been working mightily and I'm greatly looking forward to what He has in store.

My main area of ministry here at the church is to serve as the youth leader. It's a new experience for me since my focus in college was missions. I'm learning as I go, but overall I'm enjoying very much serving with these teens. The picture here is from our "hobo party." Aside from our Wednesday night program, we usually enjoy one big event a month. Our big event this month is Ice Skating! We are going to a local rink this Saturday, the 15th.

Please pray for our youth group; for unity and growth. We all (leader included) have areas we can grow in. There is great potential in these teens and I'm looking forward to seeing how God works. Also, please pray for an upcoming ministry opportunity in February. Our teens will be holding a special Youth Service on the 5th, in the evening service. Many of them are excited about it; but most are a little nervous and apprehensive. I'm excited! And, I know it will be a good experience for all of us.

There are many exciting things in the days ahead. Of course, my main goal is to make my way to the mission field. And all this year, I will be taking steps toward that. I will be sure to share the steps along the way.

In this new year, I've been challenged with a thought regarding our commitment to follow the Lord. In Luke 9:62 Jesus said, "No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." I'm praying that I myself, and all of us, will remain faithful to our commitment to follow the Lord and serve Him. Keep your hand to the plow!