Wednesday, 14 July 2010

More Great Experiences!....

Pictures: TOP--Mercedes and Blanca w/Silas (Santa Rita converts),
BOTTOM--Road to Escipula

6/11/10-- Sunday

Sunday we were back at Santa Rita for another adult Bible Study. Jim and Shelley hand out a "homework sheet" every week that relates to next week's lesson. If they bring back a completed sheet, they earn points. (The people try to work and earn points for different things. One reward is a new Bible and a big reward is a trip to Tikal, the Mayan ruins). Since I will be teaching next week, I made a sheet for the book of Esther to hand out. I accidentally introduced them to something new though. I put references for the verses (1:11) beside every question to help them find the answers. The only problem was, they had never seen that before. Jimmy just usually has them read the whole chapter. It took a little explaining, but I think it will work out. Well, that night Jimmy taught on Galatians 1 and explained that salvation was a free gift and gave the Gospel clearly. It was neat to see people interacting and asking questions.

6/12/10-- Monday

After a day of work and preparation for upcoming lessons and projects, we headed again to Santa Rita for the children's Bible study. Shelley has been teaching on the Crucifixion and the events leading up to Christ's death. The kids know the story by heart now and could tell you the events in perfect order. Its great to interact with the kids and just be a "big kid" with them--that's easy for me to do! Monday's lesson taught about the charge Jesus gave his disciples to share the Gospel. The kids make a craft every week and this week's craft was a bracelet with the colors of the wordless book so they could share with their friends the message of the Gospel. There have been at least 3 "kids" (ages 11, 12, and 13) come to Christ just recently. Please pray that more will understand the message of the Gospel and make a decision.

6/13/10-- Tuesday

Do you like off-roading/4-wheeling? Do you like getting muddy? Does a trek through the jungle sound fun to you? Well, you would have loved Tuesday's adventure! Tuesday was a planned day to go to the Kekchi village of Escipula, about a 3 hour ride. There was a "salvation service" planned. Jimmy could do a better job explaining this, but the Kekchi like to really think about the decisions they are going to make. Often times, they think through salvation for a month or more. Along with that, there aren't churches in many of their villages. So, they plan a time when Kekchi pastors (kinda like circuit preachers) can come in a have a service where they will accept Christ that night. We went along yesterday with Kekchi pastors: Jose, Domingo, and Oscar. Now, these men drove their own truck. In our vehicle, their were 5 adults and 2 baby boys :) Jimmy had wanted to rent an SUV that we all could fit in, but that fell through Tuesday morning. So, plan B was for all of us to ride in Jimmy's Tacoma (4x4 with new tires that Jimmy was excited to try out). The only thing was not all of us could fit in the cab. So, myself and Rachel, another intern, rode in the back. It was an enjoyable ride! The road is about 1 hour paved and 2 hours off road. When we arrived at the village entrance, there was another 10 minute or so walk through the jungle over wood bridges, which go over the river, and through the mud. But, it was great! In the village, they provided a meal for us. Well, the most important thing that happened that night was that 2 families and 1 young man accepted Christ! One man announced that he accepted Christ already before the service was held! How exciting it was to be, as Jimmy put it, on the "front-lines of the uttermost parts." Praise the Lord for the decisions that were made! All in all, it was such a great day...and worth putting up with some of the things to get there!

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