Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Short-Term Trip; Long-Term Planning

Well as you can see, I just changed the name of the blog. "All That Matters" will be the new title from now on. You may ask, "Why?" Well, let me explain. The title of this entry says "short-term trip; long-term planning." I came to Guatemala for a two month missions internship. The purpose of the internship is to gain experience of what it's like serving as a missionary on a foreign field. Well, for me I already had an interest in serving in Guatemala. So, this trip was sort of like a survey trip. I have had SO many wonderful experiences here. And, as this is my last week, it's somewhat "bitter-sweet" to have to leave soon. The first month in Solola was great to get acquainted with the culture, to meet so many wonderful people, and to be involved in various activities. Thank you, Larry and Claire Boggs, for your hospitality and willingness to let me come and work there at the Nido. Those are memories I will never forget! This month in Petén has also been wonderful. If you've been keeping up with my blog entries, you've read of the many wonderful experiences I've had here. It's been great! In my time here, I believe God has placed a desire in my heart to return to Petén and work here full time. Thank you, Jimmy and Shelley Dinsmore, for your encouraging and challenging words in our many discussions. I am so grateful to have met you two (and Jonah and Silas :)

So, in saying all that, I am planning from this point on to begin preparing to return to Petén as a church-planting missionary. I realize it may be bold to make a definite plan at this point. But, I believe it's a good thing to have plans. And God could redirect me if He sees fit. But, my life is committed to serving Him. After all, that's "All That Matters," isn't it? So, I would appreciate your prayer as I finish up with my last year at Appalachian Bible College and make preparations for my future. Thank you so much for your prayer and support! I look forward to continuing to share how the Lord leads and directs in my life.

In Christ,


  1. You are right...that is all that matters. God will lay a burden on your heart and He will give you a desire--and that's sometimes all that we need to start moving forward. God will work out all the rest of the details. I will be praying harder than ever now! So happy that God has given you a confirmation in your heart about the next step to take.

  2. Hello Jay,

    That is very encouraging news to hear! And I don't think it is too bold or presumptuous in any way.

    And, yes, that is all that matters. After all, all of God's commands, all of his law, can be summed up in two sentences/commands. (OFFTOPIC I like to keep things simple. Law: what God commands. Grace: what God gives)

    Fleshing all of that out can be a bit tricky, and there is a gnostic tendency/temptation/strain in us evangelicals to devalue Creation (again. keeping it simple. as someone once said: God likes stuff {meaning matter}. He made stuff.) It is sometimes hard to remember God is preparing a new physical earthly creation for us, because this one can be so painful and it is even groaning within itself.

    Jay, you have been given the call, the talent and the opportunity, so I would go for it with all my might. A lot of young people agonize over making the "right" decision and making sure they stay in God's will.

    I think John Macarthur had good advice:
    If 1. you examine your life for entrenched sin and 2. you look for clear/specific Biblical teaching on the calling/decision and 3. you examine your motives and 4. you seek the advice of more mature Christians and 5. you pray honestly and humbly and with an open mind...............then you can comfortable do whatever God seems to be leading you to. Most of us don't receive angels or nightly visions.

    Looking forward to praying for you and following you in this.

    Philip (Dr. Phil)

  3. Hi Jay!!
    Was looking at pictures from Guatemala and just thought I'd let you know I'm praying for you. I know the transition back home can be so hard and challenging. May the Lord bless you as you get ready to dive into another (your LAST!!!) year of school! :)
